The Factory Stock Tool Kit

Why are so many Tigers missing the factory stock tool roll? Was it so valuable that Tiger's were broken into by the era equivalent of the airbag thief? Were the tools that good? Actually, in my personal experience with factory tools dating back to the new MG-TD, they were four grades lower than you could get at the "cheapo" section of your warehouse parts store. Most everybody bought their own set of good tools, including box wrenches, so you didn't round-off bolt and nut heads, and socket sets. A good Craftsman screwdriver set and feeler gauges beat anything even Jaguar gave me. The Porsche tools, actually weren't bad. So that cheap plastic bag, with the cheap end wrenches, and 'nave plate removers' found it's way out of the trunk for a good toolbox with good tools. Never seem to have been in the trunk, when it was sold, and was thrown out because you didn't own the car anymore. What was in that bag became a dim memory. Well, through the diligent effort of lots of fine people, and some pack-rats who keep everything (just ask their spouses), we are pleased to present you with an accounting of what was in that bag (including the bag). There is some valid technical information in this Section, but be forewarned. I could not resist the odd wry remark, on this arcane subject, to offset the incongruous chase for a lot of cheap tools.
The Bag

The plastic tool bag, pictured, is shown open on both sides. The color was a dull sheen black with tan 'shoelace' ties. This, of course was subject to change with time and who the cheapest supplier was.

The Spanner Set
A major item was the "Spanner Set", which is also one of the many bones of contentious discussion as to the correct markings and size combinations. While it is believed that the information provided herein is correct, based upon pronouncements from our good friend Norman (whose first name has been legally changed to 'The Book of', it is not certain that the pictures are authentic. Maybe close enough.
Here are the four wrenches that came with the Mk I and Mk IA, the color is probably a bit aged. This next set is closer in color , but are not the correct size distributions, or markings. Contrary to popular misconception, they were not labeled with both AF and BSF or Whitworth sizes.
On the obverse side, one should see the "Slim Jim" trade name, as shown in the picture.
The sizes were in this combination:
7/16 AF x 1/2 AF
9/16 AF x 1/2 AF
3/4 AF x 5/8 AF
11/16 AF x 13/16 AF
Note: "AF" means "as measured ACROSS FLATS"
and, for the Mk II only, 15/16 AF x 7/8 AF
This set of four wrenches, although closer to the original, un-aged color, are marked with both "AF" and "BSF" sizes, and are not the correct wrench size combinations.
The Pliers

These magnificent pliers had many intended applications. It could almost open wide enough to grab the big bolt heads, but quickly rounded them off. The built in wire cutters were good for wire clothes hanger cutting, if you bent them back and forth enough. It's major purpose was to create blood blisters when you pinched your hand. This was so that the scraped knuckles caused by a slipped open-end wrench would not be lonely. It did drive nails in O.K., because only the wire wheel Alpine came with a good hammer.
The Screwdriver

The Screwdriver was a handsome tool, with its bulbous wooden handle and dark metal blade. It was only slotted, so you couldn't ruin your Philips head bolts, like you could the regular kind. It was excellent for scrapping old gasket material off, with a little help from the Pliers (see above) with a sharp rap applied to what used to be a nicely rounded top end. It eventually split the wood. So, out came the Craftsman, which could take repeated blows, as G-d intended a screwdriver to be used.
The Spark Plug Wrench and the "Tommy Bar"

This was really the best made piece of the lot, with lots of attention to detail, but that left rear plug may have been a problem without a ratchet. The Spark Plug Wrench was made to be operated by the clever "Tommy Bar" Actually, I was a little disappointed to learn that a "Tommy Bar" was not a place in France where the British and American Volunteer pilots of the WW I sang "It's a Long Way to Tipparary" over a few beers. Never trust what a small beagle tells you.
King Dick

Now, with a name like "King Dick", you would at least expect some massive tool befitting a Monarch. Especially the third "Richard", who was so nasty to the kids. But here it is. A tiny adjustable 'spanner' with jaws at right-angles to the lever arm, and a nicely knurled adjusting nut in the handle. There is a very small company logo on some. I am told, with vigor, that the word ABBINGDON on the side is NOT correct, even though the company is located there. The fine finish is similar to a Webly, although some of the machine work could be better. Heck, what did you want for a Factory cost of 20 Schillings/dozen ?
Nave Remover

One would think a "Nave Remover" was a delicate instrument for extracting the obstreperous Knave, who refused to leave the Pub, when asked. Well, you'd be wrong. This "nave", is apparently the hub cap. Hard to use on the LAT wheels. A small notch, filed into the bent end, and this could remove the nails you pound in with the pliers. There is another, larger nave remover that is apparently used for the wheel rim trim rings, but they must come with the 'beauty rims?'.
The Lucas Distributor Gap Tool
The Lucas Screwdriver looks a little like a flat stamped, cheap, uncut ignition key. It had a screw driver end point and a small shim, fastened with a rivet, for gapping the points. Can't imagine that the Ford and the Alpine had the same gap requirements, so there may have been two different sets (?).
The Tire Valve Tool
This yellow plastic tool, about 3/16 inches in diameter, is meant to remove/install the schraeder valve core from the inner tubes (or currently the valve stem). Since they now replace this entire assembly with every new tubeless tire installation, there probably isn't much call for this tool. I do remember them being built onto the end of the valve stem cap, as a Pep Boys chrome accessory. One on each wheel, and easy to find on the end of the stem.
I apologize to any of you really serious collectors for making a little light humor on your valued possessions. But, take my advice and keep them in mint condition. You certainly wouldn't want to actually have to use them. {9=>